Drawing upon decades of first hand business experience, we serve to teach, develop and improve business skills, supporting student enterprises and young companies (< 3yrs old).
  • We offer both distance learning and face-to-face training.
  • We can provide training direct to customers, or make our training content available as a contracted-in service. 
  • We can tailor our training content to match an organisation's training program or its brand style.

Start-Up enterprise training

We teach basic enterprise training principles for students and those inexperienced in business.
We also provide a training program for start-ups.

<£85k/yr enterprise training

Training content is focused upon growing, but still embryonic, businesses who have just reached the UK's VAT reporting threshold (£85k/yr turnover) and now need to formalise and professionalise various business functions in order to sustain growth and comply with UK regulations.

<3 YEARS enterprise training

By the time a company has reached the age of 3 years it is more than likely chasing larger and more complex contracts than hitherto it had been servicing. Competing against far bigger and better resourced companies requires a re-evaluation of how business is being conducted in order to identify what manpower or process improvements need to be made to continue the growth trajectory.

Workshop-based skills training

We provide face-to-face workshop training for companies or organisations to augment their own internal enterprise or career development training modules.
  • Through our workshops we help participants gain confidence, communicate and work better collaboratively.
  • Typically taking place over two-days, our workshops are relaxed, enjoyable and non-judgemental events that help not only to educate participants, but also to foster learning and interdependency amongst team members.
typical workshop topics
  • Business planning
  • Public speaking/Communication
  • Brainstorming
  • Tasking/Organisation
  • Market research appreciation
  • Business model differentiations
  • Financial control principles
  • Character & Leadership, Teamwork