
GNHW Consulting draws upon decades of first hand commercial and operational experience to support micro and small enterprises to compete and trade more effectively.

Guy Woods

Principal Consultant


Principal Consultant

GNHW Consulting is led by Guy Woods, Principal Consultant. He is a science graduate of Durham University and a qualified Certified Fraud Examiner.

After 10 years service in the Royal Navy, serving mostly in submarines, in 1986 he moved into industry and later into the consultancy world, focusing upon risk and regulated market compliance, in parallel establishing and growing a range of analysis, screening and training offerings to help companies operate with probity, control and competence under the purview of ever more demanding national and international regulations.

Since 2018 Guy has delivered enterprise training into the schools, colleges and chambers of commerce and self-employment training into the UK criminal justice system. 

He has established, run and later divested three successful private consultancy businesses (the oldest one after more than 25 years) . In the non-profit space he has jointly established and run two social enterprises and has been a charity trustee, a fundraiser for multiple charities, and an affiliate member of the Association for Certified Independent Examiners. He has also worked in the public sector, not only by way of military service, but also as an Independent prison monitor, appointed by the Secretary of State for Justice.

Over the years he has been a member of various trade associations including British Expertise, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), the Institute of Directors and the Intellectual Property Institute.

Guy has been an angel investor in UK enterprises. On a micro-finance front he is still an active investor in micro-businesses across multiple developing economies. To date he has made 23 micro-finance loans (with no defaults), helping 50 entrepreneurs and 276 staff.